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Is Tibet's Today, America's Tomorrow?

Sep 10, 2024

This summer, I traveled to Tibet from Washington State, witnessing firsthand the erosion of freedoms in the region. The stark warning I experienced in Tibet serves as a cautionary tale for America, where increasing regulations, censorship, and erosion of rights could lead to a loss of our freedom. Standing in Lhasa, surrounded by communist banners and symbols, I realized the urgency of protecting our liberties in America. In Tibet, cities have been renamed, religious wall paintings replaced, and religious holidays rescheduled and shortened, mirroring the subtle changes we see in our own country. Similarly, the control over public schools in Tibet reflects a worrying trend in America with new social dynamics and ideologies disrupting family bonds. Signs of government control are prevalent in Tibet but are more subtle in the United States, infiltrating through media censorship and suppression of free speech. While Chinese flags adorn the streets of Tibet as a symbol of control, it is important to continue honoring the American flag as a representation of our nation’s values. The plight of Tibet serves as a warning for America to protect and defend our freedoms. The resilience of the Tibetan people and their determination to survive despite hardship is a profound inspiration. My journey to Tibet has solidified my commitment to fighting for freedom in America and protecting the essence of what makes us free. Join me in safeguarding our rights, amplifying our voices, and ensuring that the spirit of freedom endures for future generations. Let us be the beacon of light, preserving the values that America stands for and offering hope to the world.

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